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Activité du mois

The Petrifying Foutains Garden

The Petrifying Fountains Garden is a 8 000m2 private park located on the territory of the town called La Sône 40 minutes away from Grenoble by car. Open since 1994 this green space labelled “remarkable garden” in 2017 is accessible to visitors six months per year following tariffs and ...

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July 2020 - LC Mobility

Info gastronomie

Pêches Melba

Ingrédients :

For 4 servings:

8 half peaches

250g of raspberries

Vanilla ice cream

Whipped cream

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July 2020 - LC Mobility


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

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47 Avenue Alsace Lorraine
38000 Grenoble - France